The business of Barbie is not an easy business for the reason that dolls are not a necessity; they are more of a luxury or entertainment for girls and collectors. Barbie dolls do not own their own retails, which is the reason for the dolls be easily found in different store as Target, Toys R us and Walt-mart. Promotions in these stores are essentials because they give the opportunity to many consumers to buy the dolls cheaply. Through promotion of products, the company is able to identify their target markets, the promotion of the products have a huge impact on the sales and revenues of the products. In the case of Barbie dolls in order to increase its sales they must employ aggressive advertising since girls and collectors are the target market. Also, they are influenced on what they see on television and if the latest products of Barbie are advertised on television they will most likely ask for their parents or go to buy the doll or accessory in store or online.

the other hand, this is a selling that involves the communication of two
people. In this attempt one of the people is influenced by the other. Any
time you go to a store you see that sales people or sales associate are waiting
for customer to buy their products. These sales people try to convince consumers
so that they can get a percent of every sale. However, personal selling have
many advantage over the online selling because consumer have the opportunity to
see and get information of that product. To obtain a success in personal
selling, there are certain steps that need to be follows. These steps are:
Generating leads, Qualifying leads, approaching the customer and probing needs,
Developing and proposing solutions handling objections, closing the sale and
last following up. In the sales of Barbie dolls the retails need to deals with
the personal selling because they are the one that have the products in their
stores. A part from the retails that sells the dolls and accessories, the
company only used personal selling when they sells the product in big number to
the retails. Barbie dolls are dolls which sell fast and for that reason they
have to manufacture the products.